In the Beginning…

Welcome to! If you’ve made it this far, then you must be sick of the typical political banter being thrown around from liberal extremists and “reformed” republicans. You must be looking for a point of view that doesn’t distort the truth, nor has an ulterior motive/agenda. Perhaps one that you can agree with and one that makes sense, for the most part, to the normal, everyday person. The person that works a 9-5 job, doesn’t make 100s of thousands/millions of dollars in salary and works hard. Someone that has a realistic outlook on life and believes in the American lifestyle and dream.

I, nor the people I associate with (so far), don’t have any political affiliations. The business I work for, SMS Direct, is a Direct Mail Marketing company and actually does some mail shop jobs for the DNC and RNC, as well as several other organizations and for-profit corporations. What that means, is that they’re a bipartisan company with employees both republican and democratic, conservative and liberal…

Why did I tell you that? To gain your trust and to show you that I’m a regular person just like you. I’m married, I have a dog and just purchased my first condo. My wife and I have a mortgage and are paying off two cars. We have responsibilities just like you.

I am, however, a conservative. I truly believe that our constitution, when written and signed, was for the benefit of our society and aims to allow us to grow as a country and remain free. It allows for us to take responsibility for our actions, to deal with the consequences and to make the best of our lives. America has more rights than any other country in the world. We have the greatest economy on seven continents, because we live in a free market society based on capitalism, and in my opinion… we have the greatest and most patriotic people on Earth – for the most part.

Then, we have over-compensated America-hating, God-hating liberals that want nothing more than to make our society like every European country in the world… Free health care for all, more government control for businesses, more government control over our lives, less personal responsibility, higher taxes, a declination in economy and energy. These people don’t wish us to grow, but to deteriorate into a socialist/neo-communist regime.

That’s why I started this blog. I’m sick of liberally biased media. I’m sick of hearing complaints about our amazing society. I’m sick of people not taking responsibility for their actions. I’m sick of people wanting the government to bail everyone out. I’m sick of the two-faced politics, where democrats ignore every misdirection or negative campaign tactic they use, and attack Republicans for releasing facts that incriminate democratic politicians. I’m also sick of hearing the argument that Fox News is a conservative outlet and safe haven, when at least 50-60% of the commentators, analysts and contributors are actually liberal. I’m also sick of liberals using Fox News as their go-to, when arguing their point about politically biased media outlets. They can name only ONE news organization? It’s pathetic.

That’s where I stand. I’m sick of the bull and I’m here to voice my opinions, as well as the facts. No, I won’t be traveling around the world to interview politicians and find out different views of people that may or may not matter, but I’ll do the research to clear up any information that I think might be news worthy. I’ll also do my part to clear up any biases and miss-clarifications. I’ve seen too many biases, blatant lies, misdirections, misleading news, and hate-filled remarks to remain closed down in hermit status.

Why “,” you ask? Why not? It’s my answer to the idiocies in politics and media. That’s what the news and political industries/fields have turned into. Polidiotics.


  • Aw crap.

    You’re way more far-gone than I ever imagined. So much for the “mushy-middle” guy I kind of hoped you were. I’m sad now. πŸ™

    But don’t worry. I still like you Kev, even though you’re……. one of “THEM”… πŸ˜‰

  • lol, far gone? Oh Mr. Negative, it’s more like I’m right there; right where I should be. I’m not a mushy jellyfish, my friend. Liberals are tearing this country apart, and I’m sick of just watching it happen. So… I’m taking a stance and making my opinion known to those who would care to listen. ;] Nothing wrong with that, I don’t think. Read my About page, too. You’ll learn a little something about me that you may not have known.

  • Hey, more power to ya bro. I think it’s great that you’re expressing your opinion.

    About your About page. First and foremost, I have to ask if you wrote it by yourself. Because if you did, then congratulations Mr. Giant Self-Important Douche, you should feel right at home here in the political blogosphere. πŸ˜›

    Second, there wasn’t THAT much in there that I didn’t already know about you, but there were some pretty major things. Like I’d never known you were THIS much into politics, or that you were considering running for office someday. That’s way cool. πŸ™‚

    PS: I assume that you’re at work right now. Got AIM over there? :3

  • lol, who else would write it?! It’s a short biography of ME! Grand, glorious ME! MUAHAHA! Really, though… I figured it’d be nice to show where I come from, what my upbringing was, etc. so that people reading this know the origin of my perspectives on the issues. ;]

    I’m glad you think my interest in politics and public office is cool. Means a lot coming from you, since you think I’m a right-wing nutcase. Then again, most crazy liberals think any conservative is a nutcase. ;P

    Unfortunately, I do not have AIM at work. =X

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