I apologize for the delay in writing this second part of “An Obvious Choice…”, which should have followed the first part by a day, being that the election is on Tuesday. Unfortunately, I had been unwillingly detained by a group of liberals, who would do anything to keep me from posting more truths about the Obamallama and his Obamanation, ruled by several Obamacies. Alas, I have finally arrived on scene and am able to finish what I started. Today, on the eve of the election day, I submit to you part 2 of 2 (Obama’s ideals and policies), further argument about “the one” and why he is wrong for this country. Let’s have at it then…
1. First and foremost, when the economy is in such despair and dwindling into a recession, we absolutely have to look at his economic/tax policies. It would best be described by Obama’s words, “Spread the Wealth Around,” as seen in his discussion with Joe “The Plumber.”
This tax policy of his, where he would increase taxes on small businesses, would be detrimental to the downfall of the economy. At first, it was going to be any business that makes $250k/year, then he slipped and mentioned $200k/year on several occasions, then Biden came out and mentioned $150k/year… What is it? Can’t get your stories straight? What’s it actually going to be when you’re elected? From what I remember, you voted for raising taxes on people making $43k/year last year. Is that what we should expect?
I’ve argued my points about his tax policy on numerous occasions, and it always comes back to the point, where a Raeganomics and the trickle down effect (despite what Liberals will tell you) actually works. A friend of mine point it pretty bluntly, when he said “No one’s been given a job by a poor person.” Where do liberals think jobs come from? They come from big/small businesses. You punish the businesses, you punish everyone. More taxes equate to less income; less income equates to lower salaries, less employment incentives and more unemployment; lower salaries and less incentives equate to not being able to hold onto employees; that, in turn, equates to businesses being stressed and stretched thin amongst employees and possibly failing.
That’s not even the crux of the issue… Yes, the wealthiest people in the nation certainly do pay the most taxes already, but what Obama wants to do, now, is increase taxes and then give a check to 40% of the country. So, he’s basically taking from those that work hard for their money (anyone that’s built a small business from the ground up knows exactly what I’m talking about – putting in your 12-18hr days, working 7 days a week, struggling to make a buck and finally reaching that dream where you can hire employees, expand and see the money come in… hard earned money that you made by your own work.), and giving to the lazy; those that just work to get by.
Yes, he claims that he’s giving 95% of Americans a tax break, but in actuality, 40% of those don’t pay any taxes at all. The percentage that pays the most amount is in the top 5-10% already, while the tax rates decrease, based on an income tree.
No matter what Liberals claim, or what to believe, this is a Socialistic ideal. Obama wants to create a classless society, where everyone is “equal.” Everyone, but those in power, that is. You see, the people in the government will be able to say who gets what… they determine who gets your money, not you. As it stands right now, business distribute the money on their own… and it’s worked pretty well so far for over 200 years.
You can argue that he’s “not a socialist” all you want… It’s not that he’s a member of the Socialist or Communist Party, it’s that he has socialist tendencies and ideals, and that alone is dangerous. It’s obvious he’s a Democrat, as he’s on the Democratic ticket… of course, so are Pelosi and Reed, two people in the Senate already notorious for wanting to have an over controlling government.
2. Expanding on Obama’s economic policies, he also wants to dip his hand into your savings by altering your 401k plans; another reason for business owners and investors to get worried. For anyone with a 401k plan, get read to lose it in the event we have Obama as President, as that would mean no veto power, since the Democrats have control of the Congress and Senate.
What Obama and friends would like to do, is basically get rid of the ideas of 401k savings plans and make them taxable for further redistribution of wealth. You’ll no longer have your retirement planned out and secure, because you’ll be helping out the poor. What? You didn’t know you wanted to help out the poor, by unwillingly allowing the government to dip into your savings accounts and take your previously untouchable money used for retirement? Huh… Well, maybe it’s time to invest in real estate or a home safe… or a new mattress to stash your money.
3. On the same subject of economy, Obama has some interesting ideas about the coal industry, as well. According to the Obamanater, he’s going to make it next to impossible for the coal industry to survive. In fact, he mentions in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle in January 08, that he intends to “bankrupt coal-powered plants,” using a cap and trade system. Basically, he’s going to punish the companies in this industry on the basis of greenhouse gasses “polluting” the Earth, despite a lack of evidence for such a claim, to the extent that it would put them out of business… due to astronomical fines. What’s hilarious, is that he says “people can still start up coal-powered plants… but it will bankrupt them.” That just cracks me up.
What kind of impact will this have? First, it causes unemployment. Second, it will make electricity (power) prices skyrocket. How does he think this is going to help the economy? It’s obvious that he has his own agenda and he’s not going to care what you think or want. There’s no proof to support the Gore green house gas effect; there’s no proof that humans cause global warming… But since Obama wants it, Obama shall get it. Why? Because the American people are blind to his antics. You’re just going to let him get away with this? Destroy an entire industry? Really? An energy production industry? Aren’t we in the middle of an energy crisis? Let’s get our act together, please.
4. And since we’re talking about the energy crisis… how does Mr. Obama feel about oil? If you ask him, he’ll tell you the same thing that he tells you about coal. Why? Because oil is “dirty.” It’s “unclean” and “pollutes.” While people were struggling to pay for gas, and the oil prices were extremely high (the highest these prices have ever been), he was against drilling on our own soil or off our own coast, which would have had a significant effect on the economy and prices of oil/gas, as a whole.
I believe Obama has watched Gore’s faux documentary one too many times, because he seems to be afraid of any natural resource that America has to produce energy. Oil? We have it, but forget it… we need to get away from these polluting natural resources. Coal? We have it, but forget it… it’s too dirty… greenhouse gasses! What’s next? Natural gas?
Yes, Obama wants to develop and utilize new forms of energy, just like everyone else, but he doesn’t want a bridge from what we have and utilize now to what’s new. Apparently he doesn’t realize or understand that most of the American automobiles, heating & a/c units, etc. use the resources that we currently have plenty of.
5. Now that we’ve covered energy, let’s dip our minds into another socialist ideal… nationalized health care. Yes, Obama will tell you that it’s not “nationalized,” because you’ll have an “option” to “stay with your current health care plans at your businesses,” but you’ll also have the option to be under the “federal health care plan, the same plan that he and John McCain have.”
Ok, first of all? From what I’ve heard from several people working for the government… the federal health care plan already sucks. Second, Obama is flat-out lying to you, if he’s saying that it’s not “nationalized health care.” He shares the same ideals with Hillary about it, and that means that your taxes will be used to fund everyone’s healthcare.
We’ve heard McCain call Obama out on several occasions about a fine associated with businesses, who won’t offer health insurance, assuming they feel that the national health care would be enough for their employees (what else would they need, right?). Well, it is laid out in Obama’s plan, but they don’t call it a fine, they simply state, “Large employers that do not offer meaningful coverage or make a meaningful contribution to the cost of quality health coverage for their employees will be required to contribute a percentage of payroll toward the costs of the national plan. Small businesses will be exempt from this requirement.” They call this an “Employer Contribution.” Of course, they don’t define what “Small Businesses” actually are, but from what Obama’s been saying about taxes on businesses $250k to $200k to $150k, etc… maybe they’re just holding off on telling us until he’s elected. He also doesn’t state what the exact contribution will be… leaving that open, obviously, for later debate.
This man, who has studied the communist manifesto, Marxism and who has obviously talked with Marxist-Leninists like Bill Ayers, has borrowed ideas that he thinks can be applied to America, just like so many other countries have done before… and failed in their policies. Just look to Canada, France, Italy, England or even Cuba to get an idea of how nationalized (read: socialized) health care works. It’s limiting, and when something like medical care is limited, you prevent progress and the ability to create.
There’s a reason that the United States has one of the best (if not THE best) health care systems in the world, and why so many people from all over the world come here to be treated for different ailments. It’s because private companies/associations run the medical systems. When Government gets a hand on things, they’ll be able to dictate what should be covered under insurance, what treatments should be practiced, who can get what, and they’ll also be able to determine salaries for doctors, etc. No thanks. Soon, we’re going to look a lot like Canada.
6. While we’re on the topic of health/health care… let’s take a minute to understand what Barack “The Fetus Terminator” Obama thinks about abortion. Well, he supports it… in fact, he supports all facets of it. If you get pregnant by mistake and it’s the first trimester? Get an abortion! Second trimester? Get an abortion! Third? Get an abortion! Wait, what if my baby survives an abortion? Meh, throw it away! You don’t need to save it… why would we “punish” you for having a baby that survived an abortion? That’s just crazy talk. It’s a very responsible plan.
Support Obama and you essentially support a baby killer. Enjoy! Oh, and when he says that he’s for an abortion in the case that the health of the mother is a concern, he leaves “health of the mother” pretty open. That could mean that she received a cold during pregnancy… Yeah, I can see how sinister Republicans are… with their evil pro-life sentiments. Please…
7. In a world, where terrorists know no bounds and they’ll attack at a moment’s notice, anywhere on the Earth, it’s important to not only keep your country safe from the inside, but also to keep a strong foreign policy, realizing who your allies are and also who your enemies are. A strong military is essential and being proactive always makes a better defense, than to be reactive.
Obama plans on cutting the military budget on weapons/defense by 25%. That is an extreme amount to cut, especially when it’s going to cost the military weapons, gear and even salary, which will lead to less people likely to volunteer. Yes, people do volunteer for love of country, but when they’re putting their lives on the line (with mediocre facilities and technology at their disposal), they need to be well compensated, in my opinion. They need to be protected, just as much as we do.
Obama plans on deconstructing our missile defense systems, as well, most likely to appease those leaders who would take offense to such measure, like Putin (Prime Minister of Russia) and Ahmadinejad (President of Iran). Taking this extreme measure would leave our allies in Europe and Asia defenseless against large-scale assaults and could possibly mean their demise, when there’s an already Nuclear Russia, and Iran, North Korea, Pakistan and Venezuela on the brink.
It seems as though Obama would sell out his allies and even his own country to appease those he would sit down with, without preconditions; these terrorists/dictators he so wishes to befriend. Again, no thanks… I’ll take my chances with people disliking my missiles in other countries, and my military… the most powerful military in the world.
There’s only one man in this election that knows what he’s doing in foreign affairs and international policies… and that man is McCain, a proven hero and patriot to his country. Just think about it… He serves in Vietnam, gets gunned down, injured, captured and taken as a POW. Then he stays behind for five years, even though he was offered to leave before the other men with him. When he arrives back on U.S. soil, his return isn’t celebrated. In fact, he’s welcomed to a world of hippies of an anti-war movement, who hate the troops and the fact we were in Vietnam, helping a country a half a world away. Despite all of this, he decides to serve his country again for another 30 years… That’s a man. That’s someone I want for president, and if he doesn’t get voted in… I feel sorry for this America that can’t see the obvious.
8. When it comes to the freedom of the press and freedom of speech, it seems that Obama only supports it, if the press doesn’t ask him (or his running mate) any difficult questions. Not only that, but he’ll no doubt allow the Fairness Doctrine to pass once again.
We’ve all seen how the Democrats react to news talk radio. Harry Reed tried to get rid of Rush Limbaugh this year, because of a lie they spewed by taking Limbaugh’s words out of context. They tried to silence him, a private citizen, a business man who is excercising his freedom of the press and freedom of speech, using the government. They tried to bully “Premiere Radio Networks” into firing Limbaugh, much like they did to Don Imus.
The “Fairness Doctrine” would see to it that opinions about politics would be done away with and that each party “Republican” and “Democrat” would get equal time in the news. Freedom of the press and freedom of speech, anyone? Yeah, forget about that… And the kicker? It only applies to Radio. Yep, you guessed it, the news stations on TV can remain the same, liberally biased mass media… but Radio needs to be regulated. Amazing… So, we’ll pretty much be fed lies for the entirety of the life of the United States, until the Fairness Doctrine is unmade again, unless everyone begins watching Fox News or reads some politically accurate and truthful websites.
Not only will Obama allow this doctrine to get by, but he’ll pretty much silence any television broadcasting station or print media outlet that disagrees with him or would question him. This can be seen by his recent actions of kicking three reporters from three different papers (all of which had endorsed McCain – these publications were: NY POST, WASHINGTON TIMES and DALLAS MORNING NEWS) off his plane, as well as canceling all future interviews with a television station (WFTV-Channel 9). Is this Cuba or North Korea?
I could go into privacy polices and more, in regards to Obama and his idiotic policies… but I’ve run out of time. I’m hungry and I’m opposed to publishing this at 2am, since the election will start tomorrow morning.
I hope that I’ve opened your eyes at least a little bit in regards to this person we know absolutely nothing about. Is he a US citizen? I don’t know… he won’t show us proof.
If he loves spreading the wealth, why doesn’t he help out his aunt in the slums of Boston, or his half-brother in Kenya? Why doesn’t he take care of his own, like he claims he’s going to take care of all of you?
Why doesn’t he release his educational documents, like his Harvard transcript? Why doesn’t he tell us how he was elected as “President” of the Harvard Law Review? Why doesn’t he tell us what he did there?
Why doesn’t he disclose his medical record to the public, like McCain did?
Why don’t we know about his previous relationships, like we do about McCain? Why aren’t we allowed to talk about or to Michelle, when she’s been campaigning for him, but the media is allowed to attack Cindy McCain?
Why doesn’t he talk about his relationships to Wright, Ayers, Rezko, Khalidi, Jackson… the list goes on in the previous post (Part 1 of 1)? Why won’t he talk about what happened in the video that the LA Times has of him and Khalidi, where he supposedly gives a controversial toast, mentioning Israel?
What are his true views on Socialism, Communism, and Capitalism? Why do his policies resemble that of Marxism?
Why did he refuse to wear a flag pin? Why did he refuse to salute the flag, by cover his heart, when the Star Spangled Banner was sung?
Why? Did you ask him these questions? Did he answer them? Do you know ANYTHING about this guy that wants to be your president? Think about it, before you vote.