Debt reaches record high of $13,868,461,000,000.00


Reagan added ~$1,859,575,960,187.32 (in 8yrs – under Dem. Congress)
Bush 1 added ~$1,554,057,922,952.06 (in 4yrs – under Dem. Congress)
Clinton added ~$1,395,974,529,060.68 (in 8yrs – under Rep. Congress)
Bush 2 added ~$4,217,261,484,712.43 (in 8yrs – ~$2,125,246,249,523.44 under Rep. Congress – ~$2,092,015,235,188.99 under Dem. Congress)
Obama added ~$3,536,898,133,979.30 (in 2yrs – under Dem. Congress)

Source: US Department of the Treasury

The national debt has consistently increased since 1958. Prior to that, the debt fluctuated, but no one had truly worked to decrease the debt since Calvin Coolidge in the mid-late 20s.

The reason why tax cuts alone will not decrease the debt, is because there’s excessive government spending and expansion.

Cut taxes and you stimulate economic growth in the free enterprise system that is capitalism. More business equates to more revenue to the government from taxes – less business results in less revenue. It’s simple economics.

People are in business to make money, not lose it. Companies who overextend themselves will eventually go out of business, thus, they look for the best possible circumstance to conduct business. Business owners think in terms of being cost-effective. If moving elsewhere to avoid high taxes means they can stay in business, then that’s what they’ll do. If that happens, government in that district loses money – be it a city, state or nation. This should be common sense to most people.

Carter expanded government tremendously. This lead to higher taxes, which lead to economic collapse. Reagan pulled us out of that collapse at a much faster rate than Obama is right now. Reagan lowered taxes and realized that government was the problem – Obama added more regulations, more expansive government, and more taxes to come, due to new legislation and overspending, and is under the assumption that government is the solution. One method is working – the other isn’t.

Reagan’s method will bring us out of this recession – but we need to stop spending and decrease government, as well. That’s the only thing that will lower the debt. Right now, our social welfare programming is bleeding us dry.

What’s the answer? Cutting popular government programming? As a matter of fact, yes. Cut Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid, as well as the Department of Education, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Homeland Security, the Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Reserve, federal funding to public radio/television and there are many others… The Department of Defense? Well, it could do with some shaving down… and we could certainly change course in several mission areas, but as of now, in the heated world that we live in, I wouldn’t cut.

The voters want low taxes… not higher spending – The government can’t help but spend, so they print & borrow. Despite what anyone in the Treasury might say… brace for inflation.

Unemployment on the Rise!

According to Gallup, the actual percentage of Americans collecting unemployment is at 10.1%, not 9.7%…

This means we’re .7% away from the peak level of unemployment in 1982, during the 80s recession oh behalf of Carter. Reagan was able to keep us from going into a depression, by instituting conservative measures to effect the economy positively. One of the effects was keeping unemployment in the 9-10% range from lasting longer than 1.5 years.

We’ve been holding an above 9% unemployment rate since May 2009, so it’s already been 1yr 4m. The Fed plans to throw more money into the system, creating inflation, the Bush Tax Cuts are being allowed to expire, resulting in one of the largest tax increases this country has ever seen, and the full effects of Obamacare haven’t set in yet, and won’t until about 2012. These policies… associated with an increasing debt & deficit, are going to keep these unemployment rates high… if not the highest since the Great Depression.

Scary times…

The Federal Reserve and its’ Damaging Monatary Policies

It’s hard to take arguments about the Federal Reserve being “necessary” in order to tackle monetary policy… otherwise, the people and otherwise free market wouldn’t be able to handle such difficult tasks as unemployment, inflation, etc, seriously.

It’s a wonder we were able to take care of business prior to 1913, for nearly 137 years. Now, for 97 years, we’ve been under the impression that the Federal Reserve is the be all/end all answer to all things economical. It’s funny that in the same year of the Federal Reserve Act, we were also slapped with the 16th Amendment, making income taxes permanent.

I would argue that both of these events were the first steps of the
progressive movement in government, taking control of the Free Market and keeping a steady income via taxes coming into the Treasury, in order to feed the troughs of pork bill spending and an increasing Congressional salary.

Funny that the Great Depression occurred after the formation of the Federal Reserve, when it was created to prevent such travesties. Even more interesting, is that we’ve had 19 recessions since the formation of the Fed out of 47 since 1797. So, 40% of our recessions (which includes the Depression of 1920-21, Great Depression of 1929-42, and current “Great Recession” of 2007-2010) have occurred, despite the Federal Reserve’s existence.

Now they want to shovel more money into the fire, in order to level things out… which will cause inflation… which will result in a less powerful USD and a decline in purchasing power, which will make things more difficult for Americans who are already underemployed, living on food stamps and looking toward an astronomical increase in taxes. Meanwhile, those people with jobs will continue to see prices for their everyday items rise, while their paycheck stays the same.

Can you see the trend, here? If their intent was to create another Great Depression… they’re off to a great start.

Sounds like a plan… thank you Obama, Congress & Fed.

The 6th Amendment and riots? Again?

How many times are we going to see this from black communities? Why is it that anytime there’s a criminal case that ends in a resolution that they find “unfair,” they have to riot and destroy their community? It’s absurd… and their community leaders should speak up and denounce this ridiculous activity.

Meanwhile, Holder and crew are reviewing the case to see whether or not it merits federal prosecution? What happened to “…the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed…”? Oh, right… this current administration doesn’t believe in the Constitution. Just strike the 6th Amendment out of the book, along with the 1st and 2nd. They’re no longer valid.

Lou Dobbs Takes the Giant Leap… To Freedom

Is it any wonder why so many great and talented commentators/journalists leave the MSM for Fox News or other, more independent ventures?

Neil Cavuto (CNBC), Brenda Buttner (CNBC), Chris Wallace (ABC), Greta Van Susteren (CNN), Brit Hume (ABC) Chris Plante (CNN), Glenn Beck (CNN), John Stossel (ABC) and now… Lou Dobbs …(CNN)?

Funny how the majority of these people congregate toward a more objective news source, like Fox News, or other avenues, where the truth won’t be stifled. It’s also funny that most of these people were celebrated in the MSM for their editorial expertise or objective, world-class journalistic skills prior to joining FOX or taking to talk radio. All of a sudden, they’re not a reputable/reliable source of intel, because they tell you things you don’t want to hear… the truth.

Lou Dobbs, now that you’ve left CNN… welcome to freedom! I hope your voice rings louder and clearer than ever.

To see interviews regarding his leaving CNN or read/hear his point of view on politics, please visit him here:

Follow my tirades on Facebook

Again, it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted anything… since April, actually. There’s a reason for that. I’ve been very active on FaceBook in the political avenues available to me there. There are several political/patriotic/grassroots activism groups on FaceBook that I’ve become involved with and I continue to update the world on a daily basis, about what’s going on in the world, according to reality.

Battles are waged, wars are fought, and friends are won and lost in the world of political FaceBook. I urge you to join me in my efforts to spread patriotism and reality amongst those who would listen and those who are willing to open an eye. Come visit and engage in controversial conversation here:

Hope to see you there!

Traitors in our midst.

In a world where carrying Ron Paul bumper stickers and wads of cash amounting to over $50 is an act of terrorism (find out how you, too, can become a domestic terrorist in the eyes of the new Obama regime!), Democrats have no problem with carrying out treasonous acts, themselves. Yes, I called their acts treasonous. I’m prepared to defend that statement, since what I just read is anything but honorable or patriotic.

Six Democratic U.S. Lawmakers (U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif, Rep. Mike Honda, D-Calif, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill, Rep. Mel Watt, D-N.C. & Rep. Laura Richardson, D-Calif.) decided to take a trip to Cuba, in order to speak peace with Dictator Raul Castro and former Dictator Fidel Castro (yeah… brothers – that’s how it works in Communist Dictatorships… no voting… kind of like a Monarchy, but not as noble. He’s also a buddy of Ernesto “Che” Guevara… and that’s just super, considering he was a fear mongering tyrant, responsible for thousands of deaths).

Yes, these six Democrats, according to Cuba consider the United States as racist and we should apologize for our actions against Cuba. In fact, these U.S. Lawmakers think we’re a foolish people, because we haven’t spoken to these Communists (also responsible for the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 80s), and we’ve had a trade embargo with them for over 50 years. I wonder why…

I find this deplorable… especially coming from a former Black Panther… yes, I’m talking about you, Rush… you hypocritical, self-righteous, treasonous bastard.

I can’t believe that any of this is happening in this country… it’s an amazing wonderment. I see the walls of Freedom, Capitalism and Prosperity crumbling down around me. Enter a new era… the era of acceptance. But of who? Well… people like our President and the congressmen and women who inhabit the House of Representatives… Socialists, Marxists, Communists and generally all dictators. Enter the end of the great era of American prosperity, where we lead the way for the world in growth and innovation… welcome to Hell.

Oh, here’s the FOX report… Read it at your own peril:

It only gets better from here…

If you thought that the hiring of Kumar was a good decision, then you’d love this next little number.

Since Obama has taken over as GM Head Chancellor, new technological “improvements” and “feats” have come about. To think that nothing good could come of a head-to-head between GM and Segway… well, that’s just preposterous. I now give you Government Motor’s vehicle of the year:

The Death Mobile (also dubbed a Wheelchair with a motor, by Rush)

HAH! And you thought Obama couldn’t run this company (further into the ground, that is)…

Seriously? No, really… Seriously? Kal Penn? Wait… I'm confused.

Ok, for those of you who thought that this current administration couldn’t get more laughable… I beseech thee!

With much gusto and deplorable hesitation, I present you with this:

Yes, you read correctly. Kal Penn (aka Kumar) has joined Obama’s White House staff. Are you ready to denounce this atrocious President, yet? Are you prepared to protest? Are you enraged enough to riot?

No? Oh, well… you’re hopeless, then. This is one of Obama’s most amateur moves, and believe me, there have been plenty of them. If you’re not sick of this catastrophic behavior, then there’s clearly something wrong with your mind. I implore you to seek help and possibly cast out the demons that corrupt your soul.

Quick question… In a country with such a devastated economy, how much are they paying him? I mean, he’s used to getting paid major bucks in Hollywood, right? So, what incentives has Obama offered this colorful guy in return for his services?

Whoa… wait, huh? Obama said what?!

Ok… remember back in 2008, when Obama was campaigning to become President of the United States? In an interview, he mentioned how his grandmother was a “typical white woman” who looked upon those of different color with fear. Let’s recap with a sound bite from the past, shall we?

Well, during his trip to visit the Queen of England, with whom did he compare Queen Elizabeth with? Well, his grandmother of course! So… is he saying that he feels the Queen of England is biased toward those of color? Is he actually calling the Queen a racist? I know… extreme, but how could you pass this up? We conservatives pay attention. ;P

Read on for the gaff:

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