Socialism – Communism – Fascism – NAZIsm <- Variant forms of the same government system
Over the last few years, I’ve heard liberals compare Conservatives and Republicans to Fascists and Hitler. I’ve seen the argument that Fascism is the extreme right-wing, while Socialism or Communism is the extreme left-wing. While this had been said, I’ve never seen one liberal/progressive actually define the system of government for which they decided that Conservatives began to. Well… I’ve had enough, so I’m going to help them out a little bit.
While debating, I’ve had to define these systems of government to liberals, because they clearly do not know what they are. So, for those who know me (or those who don’t), I’ve taken the liberty to list these governments below, along with their definitions:
Socialism (so·cial·ism) –noun
1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital,… land, etc., in the community as a whole.
2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.
Communism (com·mu·nism) –noun
1. a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.
2. (often initial capital letter) a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party.
3. (initial capital letter) the principles and practices of the Communist party.
Fascism (fas·cism) –noun
1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
3. (initial capital letter) a fascist movement, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.
Nazism (Na·zism) –noun
– the principles or methods of the Nazis.
NAZI (Na·zi) –noun
1. a member of the National Socialist German Workers’ party of Germany, which in 1933, under Adolf Hitler, seized political control of the country, suppressing all opposition and establishing a dictatorship over all cultural, economic, and political activities of the people, and promulgated belief in the supremacy of Hitler as Führer, aggressive anti-Semitism, the natural supremacy of the German people, and the establishment of Germany by superior force as a dominant world power. The party was officially abolished in 1945 at the conclusion of World War II.
My argument has been that the four systems above are relative to each other. They all share similarities, and certain systems lead to the more extreme of the other, such as Socialism leading to Communism, or Socialism leading to Fascism/Naziism.
The liberal argument has historically been that since NAZIs were big Nationalists, and apparently since Conservatives have love for America (their nation), then clearly there’s a direct correlation between the two schools of thought.
Let’s define Nationalism:
Nationalism (na·tion·al·ism) –noun
1. national spirit or aspirations.
2. devotion and loyalty to one’s own nation; patriotism.
3. excessive patriotism; chauvinism.
4. the desire for national advancement or independence.
5. the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one’s own nation, viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations.
6. an idiom or trait peculiar to a nation.
7. a movement, as in the arts, based upon the folk idioms, history, aspirations, etc., of a nation.
I would ask… what’s so wrong with that? I personally think that America is the last best hope for this world. We offer the greatest opportunity to any citizen or legal immigrant who would choose to take advantage of such opportunities. We have succeeded, tremendously, where others have faltered, and we’ve proven to be the most prosperous society this world has ever seen. Our GDP, in comparison to the 2nd best GDP in the world, should be testament to that. The inventions, innovations and accomplishments that this free country, which utilizes a free-market, capitalistic system should warrant praises from any other country. In addition to this, we also have one of the greatest militaries the world has ever seen. While extremely powerful, also good-natured and voluntary.
Clearly, Liberals are referencing definition #5 and possibly #3… I can only assume that they’re suggesting that Conservatives yearn for a yesteryear, where everyone was the same: same skin color, same religion, same ethnicity, same political ideals, same freedoms, etc.
Unfortunately for Liberals, that time and place has never existed, and even if it had, they couldn’t be more wrong.
As far as Nationalism goes, in regards to NAZIism and their claim of the “extreme right,” they’ll have to demonstrate how anyone on the far right has ever instituted or fought for Nationalist policies, such as Hitler’s. No one on the right has ever setup/used internment camps… that would be their Liberal heroes Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt, during WWI & WWII. Wilson arrested & imprisoned Irish & German Americans, as well as many from Eastern Europe. FDR arrested and imprisoned Japanese, Italian and German Americans.
Woodrow Wilson segregated the army and believed in and actively supported eugenics. Margaret Sanger, another liberal hero, also partook in actively supporting eugenics, by starting Planned Parenthood, in order to downsize the African American population.
Sound familiar? Hitler was big on Nationalism, as well… and the master German race.
Another argument I’ve seen of late, is that Scott Walker is just like Hitler, because he wants to “break the Unions.” Funny thing is, Hitler was a big union guy. He was very much in favor of unions and thought quite highly of them… So again, these clueless mocking birds are dead wrong. Liberals seem to be selective, when it comes to what they take/learn from history. (To get you started, should you want to research this issue, yourself.)
I assume this is the fault of their professors at whatever University they might be (or had been) attending. They do have a liberal/progressive agenda in brainwashing their students with propaganda.
Conservatives, historically, have been for the limiting of government and its’ power. Smaller government ALWAYS leads to greater freedom, and this has been our argument for ages. When you look at the above definitions for government systems, what do they suggest? Bigger, overbearing, overreaching, and much more powerful government… Leaving what? Less powerful, less free citizens/slaves.
Liberals fight for more government regulations, oversight, security, restrictions, control, social welfare, handouts, bans, etc. What does this lead to? More expansive government… Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Totalitarianism, etc. Far from the Republic for which we stand and Capitalism – both freedom enhancing systems and two things that Conservatives fight for.
Liberals tend to argue that Conservatives are against individual freedom, in reference to what people do with their body… aka Conservatives are typically pro-life. Well, under the “Life, liberty & pursuit of happiness” precedent, stated in the Declaration of Independence, no… we do not believe that it’s ok to snuff out the life of a baby in or out of the womb. Some believe in certain circumstances, but Liberals always fail to see where abortion originated. The propaganda surrounding this area and the misinformation about the history of the subject has confounded the ability for liberals to think objectively and deduce opinions, based on real facts. Margaret Sanger – Planned Parenthood – Eugenics – African Americans – Abortion -> done and done. Look it up.
Another argument from the liberals, is that under regulation in the free market system has lead to the economic collapse of 2008. Then they go on to make fun of Bush, call him a Fascist, call me a Fascist and then say that Government regulations are needed to fix the problem. What? Fascism = bad to them, right? But they want Government control of private industry to prevent bad things from happening, right? So what’s Fascism again? Interesting argument…
Obviously, they’re wrong. Had they done the research, they’d know what caused the meltdown of 2008. What brought this failing economy was a failure of government oversight, via regulations on the mortgage market in the form of the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act, passed under Carter. That is to say, regulations lit the fuse to the dynamite 30yrs in the future. This Act was later fueled by Clinton by pressuring Fannie Mae to ease credit to aid mortgage lending, in 1999 ( This forced mortgage lending to those who couldn’t afford it, in what we now term as sub-prime loans.
It wasn’t Bush’s fault that the mortgage giants pushed these loans, but rather Clinton and the progressive Democrats in leadership positions. GW Bush actually tried to regulate Fannie & Freddie during his term, several times, to no avail ( (2003) – (2005)). Barney Frank continued to make claims that everything was fine and Fannie/Freddie were profitable corporations.
I’m not Bush’s biggest fan (I disliked many things he did, while liking many others), but it’s completely unfair to pin the collapse squarely on his shoulders, because in realityville, he had nothing to do with it. What he did do, however, was pass TARP… which, to me, was a huge mistake… but others would claim that our economy (along with the world’s) would have completely collapsed, beyond repair. Who knows… I’m not sure what I believe about that, but what I do know, is that overspending is not an option to take lightly. We’re in the position we’re in, right now, because of that lack of fiscal responsibility.
That’s another argument for another day, though. For this one, know that Socialism, Communism, Fascism and NAZIism all fall on the same side of the spectrum… the LEFT.
…And you can take that to the bank.
the top ten most prosperous, affluent and successful nation (in every quantifiable and measurable statistic) in the world are ALL, EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE OF THEM… [Wait for it]… drumroll please… SOCIALIST DEMOCRACIES!
That’s actually a very common misconception. The main reason being… what is your definition of “prosperous, affluent and successful?” Additionally, how do you account for the US having a GDP that out performs every single nation on the face of the Earth, surpassing wealth generated from every nation, both ancient and current, over the course of tens of thousands of years?
Thirdly, the United States is no longer leading the pack in economic freedom. If we were, we wouldn’t be having this short conversation. We arguably have more Socialist policies in place today, than the majority of those countries you’re thinking of.
Lastly, have you looked at Europe recently? It’s falling apart at the seems.