Colin Powell Backs Obama… So what?
On Sunday, October 19, 2008, something so tragic happened that the world stood still for about 15 seconds and the people of Earth scratched their heads… then they went about their business as usual, because they realized that what just happened really wasn’t especially significant. Yep, you guessed it; I’m talking about Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barack Obama.
About the only thing “significant” about this news, is the fact that Powell was in Bush’s cabinet, as former Secretary of State… and is black. Of course, he was replaced by an even more credible candidate, Condoleezza Rice, who has outshone her predecessor by leaps and bounds… and is also black. I don’t think anyone can truly argue that Rice has not done an exceptional job in her position, and I personally wish she were one of the candidates up for election. Maybe next time… a Palin/Rice ticket? How killer would that be?
Now personally, I don’t feel that Powell’s skin pigmentation should be of topic, but the idea of this being a race-motivated move has definitely been thrown around throughout the media. I suppose it could be. There are plenty of African Americans (read: black Americans) who have said that they’re supporting Obama because of his skin color, throughout the last two years. There have been plenty of European Americans (read: white Americans) who have, as well. Anyway, there are feelings on both sides of the aisle about this; whether it was race-induced or not, and as much as I’d like to think it wasn’t the case, it may have been.
As was seen in Powell’s interview with MSNBC’s Tom Brokaw on Meet the Press (Why release your story to them, I don’t know… I mean, they are quite reliable and trustworthy, since they’re without bias… (Read: Sarcasm)), they first showed a glimpse of him saying that he would not vote for Barack based on the mere fact that he was black. However, he mentions how Obama is a “transformational figure,” and his election would be “electrifying to the nation and world” because he’d be the first African-American president. Just a couple of points to glance over…
He doesn’t really stress any “real” presidential qualities that Obama has, besides his “rhetorical abilities”, “style” and the fact that he hasn’t swayed in his arguments and has remained steadfast in repeating the same crap over and over again. My words, not his.
His arguments for Obama about Bill Ayers and experience are weak and it seems he just wants these issues to slip on by. He even compares Palin’s experience to Obama’s, just as the liberal media has done and continues to do. I truly can’t understand where this man is coming from… He’s known Obama for a little over two years, getting to know him, because he’s acting as an adviser to him, and all of a sudden he’s God’s gift to the ails of the world. I wonder, though, why he’s been such an avid adviser to Obama, who’s only experience in government is about 180 days in the U.S. Senate and a community organizer of one of the most corrupt cities in the country.
Powell also states that the Republican party has been slipping more to the right than he’d like… which leads me to believe that he’s never been a Republican. Had he been, he’d realize that Republicans have become more and more liberal over time, which is the reason that many Republicans have split from the party and now declare themselves as staunch Conservatives or Libertarians. Wake up Powell… you were never a Republican… you were just a Republican’s choice for the Secretary of State. You are and have always been a Democrat.
As for your record? Well, there’s not much to say other than the fact that you’ve been an accomplished soldier and General. You’ve served your country very well, since the 1970s and that’s both honorable and commendable. Unfortunately, that has nothing to do with your support/endorsement of Obama… which is at the forefront of political banter and controversy. You know Obama isn’t ready to be president… and the fact of the matter is, your endorsement does yourself a disservice in that you’ve shown your lack of judgment, much like Obama has, and much like you had, when you said you were for the War on Terror in Iraq, that is to say… before you were against it. Weren’t you the one who took the case to the United Nations Security Council to use military force? Yeah… I think you were. Well, for the record: you were right the first time.
Case in point? Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barack Obama is not going to have an overwhelming effect on the American people’s voting choice.
Moving on…