Dear Israel, Please Finish What Palastine (aka Hamas) Started

2 Months ago… January 12, 2009…

It’s taken me a while to get the urge to write anything. I’ve even taken a month hiatus from watching the news or reading it, because it was the same crap over and over again. The same news regurgitated on an endless loop. It was painful to watch and more painful to read what I just watched, or vice versa. I’ve only been listening to talk radio over the month, and it wasn’t until the last couple of weeks, where my interest peaked again.

Surprise, surprise (not really)! Hamas was, once again, provoking Israel to defend themselves, and Israel comes under attack by the media and anti-war/anti-Israel/left-wing crazies. A broken record? Seems it, that’s for sure. This Israeli/Palestinian struggle has been carrying on for over 60 years. What’s hilarious, is that Hamas/Palestine act like they’re the victims in all of this. What they don’t seem to realize, however, is that Israel has the power to overwhelm and obliterate them, but they continuously turn the other cheek. Perhaps an action they should yield.

To appease the Palestinians, Israel gave… yes GAVE… them the Gaza strip. This, of course, occurred after the territory squabbles that they had in the 40s after World War II.

I think it’s high time to put this terrorist “country” in their place and to end the hostile back-and-forths that continuously play out.

Now… March 05, 2009

Well, I began writing that about two months ago, when Hamas was sending rocket after rocket into Israel, and in retaliation, Israel began their assault on the Gaza Strip. At the time, Americans were split (Liberal and Conservative, once again)… the Liberals were rooting (big surprise) for Hamas, since they were on the receiving end of an onslaught and deceivingly look helpless, and the Conservatives (who knew what the hell was going on) were rooting for Israel to finally end the seemingly never-ending battle.

The reason I stopped writing it, is in part, because I was engaged in very many arguments on FaceBook, which really drained my will power to write anything. haha You wouldn’t believe how tiring it is to argue with a Liberal who is so dead-set in their ways, that it’s impossible for them to see any side of a story that hasn’t been regurgitated by the biased news organizations that they receive their information from, like MSNBC/NBC, CBS, CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post, etc, etc, etc.

That, and the fact that so much has been happening since Obama’s ascension to the Presidency, that it’s very difficult to pick and choose what to write about. I often get long-winded in my posts, and if that’s the way it’s going to be, I’d like to really be able to write about it… so, that’s been difficult. It’s also very difficult to have such long-winded posts on a day-to-day basis. Anyway, I wanted to revisit the Hamas/Israel conflict, because I never finished it, for one… and it’s still going on, despite even more cease fire attempts and an election for Israel’s new President and party.

Anyway… back to Israel and Hamas:

Since before World War 2, Palestine has been toe-to-toe with Israel and the Jewish people. Islamic/Muslim faith has consistently preached in favor of a decimated Israel, which would bring about their “savior.” In 1967, Hamas was born as a wing of the Muslim Brotherhood. It was the intention of Hamas to gain favor amongst the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and to eventually gain leadership, and to promote their Islamic agenda, having Palestinians adopt it as their belief system. Well, their efforts worked, and the Palestinians voted them into power, starting in the early 1990s.

Hamas has a stringent ideology about the destruction of Israel, forcing them from the land with severe force. Israel’s sheer existence is a threat to Islam. In pamphlets distributed throughout Palestine via Hamas can be read “…increase attacks with knives, grenades, and guns against the cowardly Jews in their houses and turn the day into darkness and the nights into intolerable hell * * * view every Jewish settler as a target to be killed, whose blood and money are for the taking.” It’s obvious that they care not for killing only soldiers… they’ll kill anyone in Israel, citizen or soldier, so long as they’re Jewish.

This is Hamas… a known and obvious terrorist organization, hell-bent on killing the innocent, merely because they exist. This is who the Liberals are cheering for. And to think that most Jewish Americans are Democrats/Progressives/Liberals – it’s beyond reason and it makes absolutely no sense to me.

Well, the hostilities haven’t ended… they’ve been ongoing since before the 40s and well after the 60s and continuing today. Despite truces, peace treaties and cease fire agreements… all moderated by many different Presidents, ex-Presidents and representatives from several different countries, especially the United States. Hamas still holds true to their original values and beliefs, and in a time of extremist terrorism sweeping through the world, we just can’t turn a blind eye to what’s really going on there.

It seems that any time that Hamas instigates reaction out of Israel, using devastating means, such as missiles/rockets, rifles, bombs or otherwise, Israel is being scrutinized. Why is that? Is it because the Gaza Strip looks like a derelict, decaying mess of a country? Is it because they look like a 3rd world country (well, if it were a country… it would be)? Is it because the terrorists of Hamas hide behind their civilians? Yeah… I think that’s pretty much it. The Liberals in this country are so caught up in looks/feels, that they miss the entire point. These countries in the Middle East are NOT civilized… not in any sense of the word that we’re familiar with… nor Israel is familiar with. Look how prosperous Israel is. That’s what a civilized country looks like… America is what a civilized country looks like… We build cities, we don’t destroy them. Hamas is so ingrained with hate, that they know nothing of what makes a people successful and prosperous. If Hamas wanted to put their differences aside and realize that what they’re doing is nothing short of insanity, they could work together to build a thriving civilization, as well. Who’s stopping them? Themselves… that’s who.

That’s not going to happen, though… and the Liberals don’t see that. How many chances do they really need? They’ve had decades upon decades to change their ways, and they haven’t… and honestly, I’m fed up with their crap… and I guarantee that Israel has been fed up with their crap for a long time, now. I’m truly amazed that they haven’t leveled the Strip to the ground by now, really… I truly am. What’s that say about patience?

Well, it’s 2009, now… and in recent events (on Jan. 1, oddly), Israel actually killed a Hamas leader, who was at his home in the Gaza Strip. This came after several air strikes in retaliation to Hamas’ attacks on Israel civilian territory. They also pushed into the Gaza Strip to occupy the hostile territory for a short while, and after, yet another cease fire, they pulled back out into Israel.

More recently, Netanyahu and the Likud Platform won the 2009 Israel elections. This is a promising result, since the Likud has stringent terms in regards to Palestine and dealing with terrorists. Some of those terms can be found here. I have full faith in Prime Minister Netanyahu in ending the feud between Israel and the “state” of Palestine and Hamas… unfortuantely for them, I do believe it will be with use of force… and I hope that it is, because that will seemingly be the only option at this point. Hamas needs to be wiped off the face of the planet, just like the rest of these terrorist organizations, such as the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Anyone who thinks otherwise is oblivious to the realities of our situation.

Really? The history of these people (Hamas/Palestine & Israel) is quite deep. It precedes my existence and far beyond WW2, and there’s entirely too much baggage to list in one post. However, we have to realize that Hamas is Israel’s Al Qaeda, and they need to be handled in the same manner. The world needs to step back and allow Israel to stand up for themselves and take care of the problem.

It’s unfortunate that Netanyahu does not have an ally in President Obama, but hopefully we only have 4 years of this disgrace, from which we can turn around this country and make it as great as it once was, under more pro-American Presidents.

So, here’s to you Netanyahu and Israel… Please do what you can to finish the Arab-Israeli conflict. I tip my hat to you and wish you the best of luck in your efforts in destroying the terrorist operatives that surround your sovereign state. I also pray for your success and safety.


  • “The reason I stopped writing it, is in part, because I was engaged in very many arguments on FaceBook, which really drained my will power to write anything.”

    Lawl. Sorry to be such a drain on your creativity. 😛

    You know how I feel about this issue. I blame both sides. You can’t justify carbombings, just like you can’t justify killing civilian women and children.

    An overwhelming majority of people in the west support a peaceful solution where both parties share the same land, as opposed to picking one side over the other. It’s pathetic how both political parties in the US try to pander to Israel in order to win an ally in the middle east (as well as winning the key state of Florida in the presidential elections), when the reality is that most people want a solution where both sides can coexist.

    Glad to see that you’re posting again by the way. I almost thought you’d given up on the whole political thing. 😛

  • Qatar probably doesn’t mind in the least that its “humanitarian aid” is being tunerd into dollars to buy more arms for jihad. This way their hands are “clean”.The EU is basically doing the same thing without even the fig leaf cover of flour. They just hand Hamas over 90% of its funding in cash with no accountability. Hamas in turn spends a fraction of the money to feed Palestinians and the bulk on arms with the obvious approval of their electorate (who have no trouble demonstrating any grievance they may feel).If Palestinians were actually starving, they would have the choice of turfing the leaders who bring them such consequences through their aggression or they could choose to starve for Allah (a slower version of blowing themselves up). However, Palestinians fed at the EU table have no motivation whatsoever to rein in Hamas.They get to eat their EU cake AND attack Israel as well under the present set up. They are not paying the full consequences of their actions, treated by the international left like the eternal juvenile delinquents that they are.

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