McCain Plays an Aggressive Offense… When He Wants To

We don’t normally see John McCain in an aggressive front.  We typically liken him to a little puppy dog, who doesn’t want to anger anyone and tries to steer away from any type of confrontation.  This personality, surprisingly, was lacking last Wednesday, during the third and final presidential debate.

For almost the entirety of the debate, McCain was on the offense and Obama was left answering accusations and questions throughout.  Yep, we finally saw McCain at his best and according to most news commentators, we saw Obama as the “cool” and “smooth” candidate he always is.  Wait… what?

I laugh… nay, scoff at those commentators and obvious Obama supporters.  Throughout the entirety of the debates, they’ve held to the opinion that Obama just has to “hold his own and make it through,” while McCain would have to pull off the argument of his life, as if to say that Obama could do no wrong and has this election in the bag.  Dare I say it?  This was Obama at his worst.  He was on the defense throughout the entire debate, having to prattle on about his usual talking points and defenses for his negative allegations, regurgitating everything he’s been saying since Day 1, or Day 2… whichever felt right at the moment.

I felt that Obama was certainly at his weakest during this debate, and I thought that resonated throughout the nation.  Of course the media would tell it differently, they’d skew their polls and sample data, but we all know the truth.  McCain won the final debate.

I definitely felt that this debate, held at Hofstra University and moderated by Bob Schieffer, was the most fair and balanced.  It was also the most interesting, since Bob covered entirely new and also typical ground.  Yes, we again heard their arguments about the economy and the war on terror, but we also heard about abortion, the negative campaign strategies, Obama’s relationship with Ayers (finally), etc.

Going into this debate, however, was quite different.  Previous to the debate, Obama was caught actually telling the truth about his economic policy (well, some truths anyway).  This information was disclosed to a member of the audience at one of Obama’s rallies.  He would raise the taxes on businesses making $250k and would “spread the wealth around” to those that “needed” it.  This answer from a question of a concerned plumber, who wants to buy a business in the near future and wants to know the repercussions of doing so, especially when Obama wants to raise taxes on businesses, etc.

Well, this information was used during the debate, and rightly so.  McCain used Joe the Plumber as an example of the many hundreds/thousands of entrepreneurs in the United States, who would like to start their own business and become prosperous with a lot of hard work, and believe me, it’s a LOT of hard work.  I’ve tried starting a business while working a full 40+hr job and it’s not exactly easy.  Running a business takes a hell of a lot more man hours than 40 hours a week, and with that work load, you’d expect to be compensated for the hard work that you put into it.  Well, Obama wants to tax these people, take their money (punish them) and redistribute it to those that apparently have no initiative or motive to work hard.  Yes, let’s reward these people.

I digress, I can get into this in another post… but as you can see, this was a huge talking point for McCain.  Joe the Plumber changed the way these campaigns would be run and aided in the success of McCain’s win in this debate.

Anyway, it was nice to see some differences in this debate from the other three.  McCain did mention Ayers and ACORN, but he really didn’t go after Obama for the truth or any more information.  He just let Obama get away with his moot answers and carried on.  That was disappointing, since we’ve learned so much about his relationships over the last several months, thanks to FOX News and several news radio shows (apparently the only media outlets that actually want to cover everything about this election, and not just attempt to destroy Palin and McCain).  However, it was definitely nice to see McCain at least mention them.

Well, there’s really not much more to say about this, since the debate was last Wednesday and so much more has happened since then, but I felt it was necessary to write a post about the last debate of this presidential election.  Winner?  Definitely McCain.  I don’t care what the polls/media says… that’s the truth.  It’s getting late, so I’m going to hit the hay.  I’m going to try to post something tomorrow (or in the next couple of days) about the recent gaffes (read “truth telling”) of Joe Biden or the recent endorsement of Obama from Colin Powell *shudder*.

You know, it’s almost sad that most of my postings with great talking points and information are up on Facebook… and not on here.  With all of the debating/arguing, I pretty much lose the stamina I need to post something worth while on here. ;P  Thanks you liberal swine!


  • Pff. Yeah, blame me. I’m just giving you mental exercise every now and again (yet that fat mind of yours refuses to slim down). 😛

    Case in point: this post of yours.

    I’ve been begrudgingly willing to swallow your analysis of the previous debates, because they were at least half-reasonable. But from this analysis, I can without a doubt say that you are way too prejudiced against Obama and the left to be impartial when you examine the performance of the candidates in this final debate. I mean, just listen to yourself! “I don’t care what the polls/media says… that’s the truth.”

    Why can’t you simply concede that Obama’s ideas resonate very well with a lot of people? There is no giant conspiracy, no giant sham, people just like what Obama has to offer.

  • Damn straight I’m going to blame you… You and your friend, my brother-in-law, my own cousin… and random person from college. You’re all argumentative pains in my you-know-what!

    You never swallow my analysis… of anything! So, the fact that you’ve been “willing to swallow” them is an absurd understatement. ;P Of course I’m prejudiced toward Obama! He’s a socialist with horrible economic and foreign policies that will destroy this country, if actually put into play. Not only this, but his associates are absolutely devastating to his character. What kind of person befriends the people he does… or the organizations he does? His own Vice Presidential running mate has come out against him, based on his lack of experience… of course, that was before he was chosen as VP. Ridiculous.

    You’re absolutely wrong to assume that I wouldn’t see this debate in a well-lit, honest light, though. I’ve been honest throughout, and in my opinion, I’ve been correct about my deductions about the clear winners/non-winners in all of the debates. This was a clear and obvious loss for Obama, merely because he was on the defense the entire time. I don’t care what your “reasoning” is, it’s merely fact. Obama faltered, prattled the same bullsh*t as usual and OF COURSE the liberal media is going to let him slide… they always do.

    Yeah, Obama’s ideas do resonate very well with a lot of people… they’re called sheep. They like to feel good, they don’t understand his real policies and the effects it will have on this country, and they don’t want to think for themselves. It’s an amazing world in which we live. You’re being spoon fed ideals that only sound good on paper and especially when spoken by Obama. If he sounds intelligent and sounds like a professor, it’s because he is. It’s just that he’s been taught the Marxist/Socialist way. That, my friend, is not the American way.

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